Fun With Dumb Featuring Awkwafina, Jenn Im, & K.O
TA ARTIST: Fun With @dumbfoundead ?✌️ @Awkwafina @imjennim @koakakoala
TA ARTIST: Fun With @dumbfoundead ?✌️ @Awkwafina @imjennim @koakakoala
TA ARTIST: dumbfoundead featured on the Los Angeles Times Calendar section with the cast of Bodied ✌️?
TA PRODUCER: @yultron makes the great trip to the Great Wall ❤️??? #hotlaundry
TA ARTIST: @saticamusic is playing at the @theroxy on 12/8 as special guest with @shawnwasabi and we are EXCITED ??????
TA PRODUCER: huge congrats to writer/ producer @rellthesb signing a deal with Transparent Arts / @ctmentertainment Publishing , some big records are on the way! ??
TA PRODUCER: @autolaserreleases this ambient experiential album out now on @auto.1988 ???
TA PRODUCER: @yultron just announced for @edc_mexico in Feb 2019! @insomniacevents ?
TA NEWS: congrats to Transparent Arts partner @jonstr33t and brothers @stereotypestv on winning the @spotify @secretgenius award in R&B ! ??
TA bosses @fareastmovement in Beijing, Netease HQ ? working on their new project ?